Pear Almond & Coconut Blossom Tart

If you didn’t get the Wizard of Oz reference in the title, do you remember when the fab four were marching through the forest chanting “Lions and tigers and bears!”, as they made their way to the Emerald City?  I love that film.    I blame my mother for my love of classic Hollywood musicals ……

Tangy Lime and Coconut Crumble Bars

It can sometimes take a long time to come full circle on a promise.  Sometimes, it can take a full fifteen months before you make good and deliver … *whistles as she looks around aimlessly, avoiding eye contact with the computer screen*.  Remember those yummy Coconut & Lime Bars I posted in October 2011?  I…

Coconut Protein Bread

More protein bread.  More protein recipes.  Well, yes.  Part of me getting off to a good start in 2013.  This is good, yes? 🙂 Also, there are likely to be some traditional dessert type recipes cropping up here soon, what with the merry-go-round of birthdays and such that will start in a few weeks here…

Banana Coconut Chocolate Chip Blondies

Dear Reader, I have sinned.  It’s been fifty-four days since my last blog post … and my guilt and remorse are of astronomical proportions. I’m sure you’ve all moved on with your lives while I’ve been in the process of having my blog site totally revamped with a brand new look and a stylish and…

Lemon & White Chocolate Trüffeltorte

I wish I had a funky story to write about.  I don’t.  I don’t even have fabulous photos to share.  Life now is all about work … renovations … cleaning … work … I wish I could just spend more time in the kitchen and sharing my fabtastic kitchen adventures with you.  Not too many…

Coconut & Lime Bars

Ever since my holiday in the tropics I’ve been a bit obsessed with the combination of lime and coconut.  I’m still slathering on lime and coconut body lotion to recapture a little of that holiday in the tropics feeling. At first, I wanted to make a super healthy treat (shhh … for that “other section”…

Mango and Coconut Financiers

MMMM Mango …  it’s no secret that I love me some mango.  I know many of you do too, judging by your comments! The savvy and astute reader, which of course describes each and every one of you, would now be asking:  Mango?  … and just where are you getting mango from, in June, woman?  Isn’t…

Flourless Mango Cake

On the weekend, I bought a beautiful book that I’ve been secretly lusting after for a while, Grand Livre De Cuisine: Desserts: Alain Ducasse’s Desserts and Pastries.  It gave me tingles.  And inspiration to make a spectacular mango dessert.  There was going to be a crispy chocolate layer, macadamia praline, moulded mango jelly shapes, creamy…

Bountilicious Babycakes

Coconut is one of those foods that seems to polarise people.  We either love it or hate it.  Personally, I prefer my coconut applied topically – coconut oil shampoos, body butters, scrubs etc.  As a food, though, I’m a little ambivalent.  Its flavour and texture can be too dominant in a dish, especially desiccated coconut. …